Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This class has, by far, been one of my favorite classes I've ever taken, the only one I probably liked better was music theory. I've learned so much from Professor Sexson, but I feel like the biggest thing I will take from this class, other than there are no coincidences, is how alike all of the religions are.

Ordinary Day

When Professor Sexson told us one day to go and have an ordinary day once in class I basically said, I have those practicably every day, so I thought that it would be easy. I was wrong. I remember that day I was complaining that my roommates wouldn't talk to me about what our housing situation was going to be for the summer or next semester, but as soon as I got home and went into my room, there sitting on my desk was a housing application for a new house that they wanted. All I could think was, ha, of course that had to happen on the day that our professor told that we had to have an ordinary day and, I could only think, how is this not a coincidence.


Music has not only been one of the main factors of this class, but life as a whole. You can;t go anywhere without hearing or even making music. Music also always seems to be right in time with how you are feeling at the time. Music can either be saying exactly how you feel or even take out of a bad mood completely. Music can help you say to someone what feels impossible to say. Music is what emotions sound like and if music be the sound of love, play on.

I'm a Viking

So for the longest time throughout my life I always thought I was part Russian, french, native american, Australian, and German. But the other day when I was visiting my grandparents, my grandma told me that she did that Ancestry.com thing, and she discovered that we weren't Russian, but Scandinavian. Which, is, AWESOME. That means I have Viking blood in my veins. This doesn't mean that I will start praying to Thor, Loki, or Odin or that I believe in Valhalla(I'm sure I wouldn't be accepted anyways), but I have always really liked the superhero Thor, he was even my dad's favorite when he was a kid. Of course that's no coincidence. 

Fear the Beard

So I was watching the Oklahoma City Thunder play the Houston Rockets(basketball for those of you who don't know) and the main player for the Rockets, James Harden, has this incredible beard. So I just started to think of all the other players who have a great beard and I could only think of one, Baron Davis. Now Harden is much better than him, so I started to think o other people who have great beards, Gandalf, Dumbledore, my friend and our classmate Nate, the game-maker from Hunger Games, and of course Zeus. Now I'm not comparing Harden to the almighty Zeus(cringes at the sky), but he was fifth in points per game this year and led the Rockets to the playoffs.


The other day I bought this new video game that came out which was called Injustice. And in this game you pick different superheros and villains and fight each other( DC comics, so like superman and batman). One of the villains in this game who is always against Wonder Woman, Ares. Now I'm sure that everyone already can tell that the superheros in the comics are obviously of mythology origins, especially in the Marvel comics with all the Norse gods like Thor. But I was amazed to see a direct god in DC comics. They are usually, almost always, just Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and others like that. It also wasn't very surprising to see him as a villain, just because he is the go of war after all. You kind of almost expect him to be evil.


Mythos: Story
Mythology: The precedent behind all actions
In Ilo Tempore: In the great time.
Logos:The word. Truth, reason, and reality.
Anabasis: Ascending and descending
The Mythic Journey: Separation, initiation, return.
Psyche: Means Soul. (Was Cupid's girlfriend who was beautiful)
Sparagnos: Tear, pull to pieces or mangling.
Fairy Tale:Deteriorated myth
Axis Mundi: The center or connection between heaven and Earth. Celestial pole/geographic poles that expresses a point of connection between sky and earth where the 4 compass directions meet.
Etiological myths:Explains specific features in religions.
Apocalypse: The end. The lifting of the veil.
Eschatology: Concerns about last acts. The final events of end days.
Drominom: The Greek word for things being done.
Ritual:A set of actions performed for their symbolic value.
Mace Sacre: To make sacred or sacrifice.
Creation Myths: Ex Ni Halo: the creation out of nothingness. Earth Diver: Pulling life out of water. Division of a Primordial entity: The split between Heaven and Earth. Dismemberment of a Primordial entity: When life is made for the death of a god like entity.
Dytherambos:  Double doors, music. Associated with the god Baucus.
Caduseus: The medical symbol with a snake intertwined upon an oak staff.
Apotheosis: Glorification of a subject to a divine level.
Ouroboros: A snake biting its own tail. No beginning and no end.

After Ovid
Michael Hoffman
famous poets create updated versions of Ovid's work
Mitas Story & the Golden Touch
Mrs. Midas 
Michael Longley
According to Pyathagoras
based off of Book 15
focuses on The End
gross disgusting end 
Ring-Around the Rosie
The End by The Doors
Oedipus Story
The Doors (Jim Morrison)
associated with the gods Adonis
fundamental interconnectedness of all things
The End
flowering or assuming of wings
fulfilled purpose
perceive fulfillment of end purpose of existence (education) should feel shoulder blades itching- wings are sprouting
knowledge until fall from grace into the mud then born into humanity grow unto knowledge again
Tabula rasa
blank slate on which the world writes things
purpose of life is to remember the things that you already knew in a previous state
Meno - Plato
socratic dialogue
definition of virtue (arete) 
kid in the sand had to remember how to do a math problem without the education
Anamnesis - Plato
ideas that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us
page 419 Ovid
Book of Daniel
apocalyptic stuff
Percy Shelley
Turner- happy ending
Sexson- apocalypse