Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Mythos: Story
Mythology: The precedent behind all actions
In Ilo Tempore: In the great time.
Logos:The word. Truth, reason, and reality.
Anabasis: Ascending and descending
The Mythic Journey: Separation, initiation, return.
Psyche: Means Soul. (Was Cupid's girlfriend who was beautiful)
Sparagnos: Tear, pull to pieces or mangling.
Fairy Tale:Deteriorated myth
Axis Mundi: The center or connection between heaven and Earth. Celestial pole/geographic poles that expresses a point of connection between sky and earth where the 4 compass directions meet.
Etiological myths:Explains specific features in religions.
Apocalypse: The end. The lifting of the veil.
Eschatology: Concerns about last acts. The final events of end days.
Drominom: The Greek word for things being done.
Ritual:A set of actions performed for their symbolic value.
Mace Sacre: To make sacred or sacrifice.
Creation Myths: Ex Ni Halo: the creation out of nothingness. Earth Diver: Pulling life out of water. Division of a Primordial entity: The split between Heaven and Earth. Dismemberment of a Primordial entity: When life is made for the death of a god like entity.
Dytherambos:  Double doors, music. Associated with the god Baucus.
Caduseus: The medical symbol with a snake intertwined upon an oak staff.
Apotheosis: Glorification of a subject to a divine level.
Ouroboros: A snake biting its own tail. No beginning and no end.

After Ovid
Michael Hoffman
famous poets create updated versions of Ovid's work
Mitas Story & the Golden Touch
Mrs. Midas 
Michael Longley
According to Pyathagoras
based off of Book 15
focuses on The End
gross disgusting end 
Ring-Around the Rosie
The End by The Doors
Oedipus Story
The Doors (Jim Morrison)
associated with the gods Adonis
fundamental interconnectedness of all things
The End
flowering or assuming of wings
fulfilled purpose
perceive fulfillment of end purpose of existence (education) should feel shoulder blades itching- wings are sprouting
knowledge until fall from grace into the mud then born into humanity grow unto knowledge again
Tabula rasa
blank slate on which the world writes things
purpose of life is to remember the things that you already knew in a previous state
Meno - Plato
socratic dialogue
definition of virtue (arete) 
kid in the sand had to remember how to do a math problem without the education
Anamnesis - Plato
ideas that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us
page 419 Ovid
Book of Daniel
apocalyptic stuff
Percy Shelley
Turner- happy ending
Sexson- apocalypse

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